
I have been listening to more podcasts lately while I am running. I wonder what’s the equivalent word to the “Driveway Moment” for joggers.

Anyhow, this quote made me think of summer in Michigan.

I wish I could describe better the kind of happiness mid-summer always has given me, ever since my infancy almost when the wide extents of ripe corn stretched away endlessly and gave me even then a feeling of security, of peace, of happiness. The harvest songs of all peoples have given vent to it, but not in words.

— Bernard Berenson, Sunset and Twilight, July 6, 1952

Found via The Happiness Project 🙂


2 thoughts on “Overpass

  1. I love driveway moments. Maybe yours are sidewalk moments? 🙂 There are less of them for me now since I work from home and have no commute. My mind often goes blank when I run–it consumes me somehow.

    1. Sidewalk moments will work 🙂 One thing (and only one thing) I miss about driving is the time for listening to the radio and audiobooks. I’m sometimes not concentrating to listening — my mind goes blank too — but it’s nice to pick up interesting stories time to time.

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